Day 20: Judges 11 – The Unnamed Daughter

A Peacemaker

I thought for awhile about the roles of which a single Christian woman can function in as a peacemaker and I think Jephthah’s daughter not only portrayed this role really well but she was able to respectfully maintain who she was, displaying her characteristics, personality and integrity through this role.

I’m sure you are wondering where exactly did she become a peacemaker in Judges 11, so lets look at Judges 11 verse 16 “So she said to him, “My father, if you have given your word to the LORD, do to me according to what has gone out of your mouth, because the LORD has avenged you of your enemies, the people of Ammon” (Women’s Study Bible NKJV).

As I was looking at  this particular verse I thought about everything Jephthah’s daughter managed to accomplish by just saying that. Firstly she stood in the gap for her father by being accountable and ensuring the promise he had made to God was kept. Secondly, she helped her father keep and restore the confidence of the people he led. Think about it would have been disastrous if she had decided to be a rebellious young woman and have gone against her father. It seems that just like Jephthah’s daughter even in your status as a single woman you can stand in the gap, restore friendships and maintain peace.

Romans 12:18 “If it is possible, as much as it depends on you, live peaceably with all men” (Women’s Study Bible NKJV)

Living peaceably with everyone can be a challenging one, especially where there are some days where you have a few special people who can really try your patience and peace. I’m no angel when it comes to this particular area and sometimes I’d rather just ignore then make an effort to stand in the gap of any situation. But being part of God’s family you have the responsibility to protect not only your own family but your brothers and sisters in Christ.

So my dear sisters in Christ be encouraged that even in your single status, your role in living peaceably with everyone is just as important. There are some situations that may require you to have just abit more tolerance and grace to face it and it maybe that this can only be faced as a single person. God will give you the ability to rise up to the occasion and the relationships that need to be restored He will guide you on how to restore them for his glory.

You are Blessed.
