Day 22: Judges 11 – The Unnamed Daughter

Intentionally Developing Your Relationship with God

Dear Single Unnamed Daughter,

It has been awhile since I’ve had abit of time to sit down and write a proper piece, I do apologize for the delay in putting out this next post.

I took a little trip up into the mountains with my housemate, a wonderful sister in Christ to get away from the city and as I sat enjoying the large single sofa next to the heater in the rainforest mountain lodge that my friend and I had made reservations for, I felt as though I was following in the steps of Jephthah’s daughter.

You see she too had to physically take a trip away into the mountains to reflect and just be away from her normal surroundings. The two months she spent away with her friends on the mountain, I wonder what did she personally decide to do to intentionally work on how to prepare herself for a life time of service to God?

Now I’m not much of a fitness person so in the past week I joined a fitness studio with a resolution to start working on my general physical fitness. I looked up different fitness programs, then booked a trail session and turned up for my first session totally unprepared for the planned workout. By the end of day two my body muscles were aching from almost every part of my body trying to recover the somewhat shock I put it through, however, I felt good to have finally made an actual step into the direction which I habitually would always tell myself, tomorrow I’ll start and yet somehow that tomorrow never came.

It got me thinking that yes, even as a single woman, there must be an intentional decision and effort made towards working on your physical fitness. And as you commit to keeping the commitment you made, it becomes something that your body muscle remembers. The struggle or the pain goes away after awhile and the time that you probably found difficult to set aside becomes something that you look forward to most.

Likewise, setting time aside to spend time in God’s word must be an intentional decision and personal commitment. What’s more reassuring is that we don’t have to do this on our own, God has provided the best teacher and and personal trainer we could ever have and that is the Holy Spirit.

As a single Christian woman, there’s one thing I’ve come to appreciate most recently and that is this single season is actually the best time to intentionally spend time building your relationship with God. Each day I am most grateful that I can simply be in his presence. So I ask you this question how intentional are you with building your relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior?

You see as single women we have been blessed with the opportunity to intentionally spend time with God daily, so why not make the most of this time given? As single woman we have been blessed with an abundance of time and freedom to  develop our relationship with Him.

 “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord”. 2 Corinthians 3:18 (Women’s Study Bible NKJV)

You are blessed.
