Day 17: Judges 11 – The Unnamed Daughter

Belonging to God’s Family.

To the single women reading this blog, thinking, What can I a “single” woman contribute that will make a difference in God’s family? No-one will notice if I’m not there. Sometimes the restrictions that you place on yourself such as having a mind concept that “its’ better to not draw the spot light on you, as there’s enough attention being placed on you for being single even at the age you are at,” can deprive you of living out your full purpose.

Lets stand corrected with regards to this shall we? Because Romans 12:5  says “In Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all others. (Women’s Study Bible NKJV). Yes even in your single status you were created and called to actively be part of God’s family. Have you ever noticed that are a few things that may call for you, a single woman to be put your hands up to do? It may be that at that very moment you may have been the only person with the capacity to do so.

I think In Judges 11 verse 38, When Jephthah said, “Go” to his daughter and sent her away for two months with her friends, he knew that her friends could be trusted to provide her good counsel, guiding her to ensure that she would be able to maintain her dignity in the boundaries of her pending commitment and return her safely back to Him.

Yes as single women, we can have freedom to enjoy life as seen fit and right, however may we also be reminded that our role in the church family is as important as the many others around us. Likewise the church family is important to ensuring adequate and proper counsel is provided that we keep on the right path during this season of singleness.

While there are times where you may feel as though maybe much of your time is being taken up by the many commitments required from the church, I pray that as you find your purpose here on earth during this time and season, may you to find a balance and be able to provide a effective ministry even in your single status.

So to all the unnamed single daughters, while you enjoy your freedom, remain firm in our Lord Jesus Christ, find rest in him even in the many activities that may seem to demand your attention, surround yourself with the a good church family and commit to serving God in His family through your talents, time and resources in a manner that will glory to His name

Be Blessed
