Day 13: Judges 11 – The Unnamed Daughter

A Lifestyle of Worship that is pleasing to God

When I met Jephthah’s unnamed daughter in Judges chapter 11, she had in verse 34 come out of their house to meet her father with timbrels and dancing. If your wondering what a timbrel is, it is a traditional musical instrument that resembles a modern day tambourine.

Judging from her immediate response, I would like to imagine further and think that it was probably a normal scenario replayed on multiple occasions. Jephthah would leave on one of his many expeditions and upon his victorious return, his daughter would come out dancing with her timbrels. I’m sure seeing his daughter celebrate his safe return with such a joyous and heartfelt celebration, his heart would swell up with pride and joy as he watched her dancing.

While many respected him for being their deliverer and strong leader, this one person (his only daughter) who was left at home alone for numerous occasions to take care of their home, would wait, watching expectantly through the window of their house, praying for his safe return. He knew that from the multitudes of people that surrounded him, she was probably, the one person who was genuinely excited to see him and I’m sure it pleased him greatly. I think many parents would relate to this, going away to work every day and returning home in the afternoons to have their children excitedly run into their arms.

We are, however, only given a slight glimpse into the end of what was expected to be a normal victorious return, instead came with a slight twist. The outcome not so much a joyous celebration between father and daughter. At this point tears of joy instantly become tears of sorrow, watching her father, this great man, tear his clothes in grief as it slowly dawned onto her the gravity of the situation.

It was interesting to see that despite Jephthah’s daughter’s heart silently breaking into pieces as she heard what was to become of her, her response to her father must have been a great comfort to his ears, and this time it pleased him greatly to have her respond in obedience to the vow he had made to God. And while it seemed odd that her only request was to go to the mountains with her friends for two months, I think the practicality of the matter was within reason that, what was two months compared to the life sentence that her father had imposed upon her.

I think for many single women, while there are situations that can hurt us greatly, our response to the matter can immensely change the situation around. However, to know and remain firmly assured of God our Father’s love for us can allow us to respond differently to what may be expected.

As single women, our ability to respond immediately and commit fully into either a practical matter or be a support to those around us who may be facing sensitive and personal issues can allow our lives daily, to become an instrument of worship that is pleasing to God.

Time spent in Love

“And you shall love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength”. Mark 12:30 (The Woman’s Study Bible NKJV)

You remain a blessing to those around you, as you respond with all you have and who you are in God’s Love.

Be Blessed.

Day 14 “God Is There Even When You Don’t Feel It”
