Day 14: Judges 11 – The Unnamed Daughter

For the Single Woman who feels like you are just not being heard or seen

There are many times where we may feel as though our loved ones seem to be distant from us and even with technology making communication so easy to allow us to connect, there is still that sense of being disconnected. I’m sure we’ve all been in instances where the connection line to whatever social media platform you are using, simply does not seem to your upload content straight away in-order for you to get the immediate responses you want from your family or social media followers.

Likewise there will be moments through this journey where you will feel as though God is not there or that God seems to be so far away from you. The many questions that you pose to him, may have seemed to have evaporated into thin air and you’re left wondering, is God really there and is he listening to any of my prayers? and Why isn’t he responding to my prayers quickly?

When the disappointments and hurts are overwhelming and all you want is a reassuring word or a hug of understanding and you angrily tell God that things are just so unfair. My friend, when you come across those moments, pause for a moment and simply remind yourself that regardless of how you feel, God is indeed real and He will never leave you. He was there beside you the whole time and sees exactly what you’re going through.

Hebrews 13:5 says “He will never leave nor forsake you”(The Woman’s Study Bible NKJV)

As a single Christian woman, you may want a validation that you are beautiful, you are loved and you are wanted and of course God says all that about you, yet, somehow you just cant see it. How about the next time someone compliments you by saying that you look beautiful today, say thankyou and quickly shoot up a prayer of thanks, thanking the Lord for reminding you that you are beautiful, or when someone invites you go for the coffee or lunch, be thankful to God for reminding you that you are wanted. And if someone does ask you those dreaded questions, why are you still single? Or what’s wrong with you? Simply smile and say this is the time that God wants me to know him better and when he sees that I’m ready he’ll no doubt bring me onto the next season.

And if you are someone who connects to a social media platform at any chance you get or you’re simply a workaholic that you really don’t notice anything different. May I encourage you to take a break and truly take a moment to connect with those who love and genuinely care about you. Now don’t think that I am against using social media platforms, I am actually very grateful, that it has given me the ability to connect with family and friends who live in places where the internet may not be as immediately accessible or fast. Even at this very moment it has given me the opportunity to encourage many single women through this blog.

My sisters in Christ, if you have been told one too many times that you are not beautiful or you are not wanted or that you are useless and have not potential, I would like to tell you and remind you that, that is simply not true. I pray that from what ever location you read this, may you be reassured and reminded that even in your status as a single woman, God our Father in Heaven looks upon you everyday with tenderness and love. He never leaves you, not for a moment.

Watching from a distance

You are loved by God.

Be blessed.

For Day 15 lets look at how we as single Christian women can purposely be part of God’s family.
